RESEARCH GRANT AWARD #02-25: Advancing Building Code Requirements for Resilient Design for Functional Recovery

The Charles Pankow Foundation (CPF) along with several partners is pleased to announce the award of a new research grant for advancing building code requirements for resilient design for functional recovery.

The CPF goal is always “to advance innovation in the design and construction of buildings.” This project will develop comprehensive building code provisions for resilient seismic design, including prequalified design requirements for a large number of structural systems, to enable widespread adoption of functional recovery standards in building construction. Dr. Curt Haselton will serve as Principal Investigator, building on his leadership role in the Functional Recovery Task Committee work since its inception. The research will be conducted through the California State University, Chico.

The building industry needs codified resilient design standards to meet growing demand for earthquake-resilient buildings. Over the past decade, resilient design for functional recovery has grown substantially, spurred mostly by institutional and long-term owners, for which quick post-earthquake functionality is important. In parallel with this, public awareness of the need for resilient design has increased, and the U.S. Congress sanctioned a two-year study on this topic, which resulted in a seminal report in January 2021, entitled "Recommended Options for Improving the Built Environment for Post-Earthquake Reoccupancy and Functional Recovery Time"; a key finding and recommendation of this report is that codified standards are needed to enable industry-wide of resilient seismic design methods.

Our industry has the opportunity to lead with improved concepts for design, both enhancing safety and reducing post-earthquake recovery times, while preserving and making best use of valuable resources.