RESEARCH GRANT AWARD #05-24: Safe and Sustainable Parking Garage Live Loads In The Age Of The Electric Vehicle

The Charles Pankow Foundation (CPF) is pleased to announce the award of a new research grant to investigate Safe and Sustainable Parking Garage Live Loads In The Age Of The Electric Vehicle. The research consists of four tasks: (1) Data acquisition; (2) Data analysis; (3) Stochastic load modeling; (4) Load analysis and design load recommendation. Data on vehicle fleet compositions will be acquired from S&P Global or alternate sources. Data will be acquired that describes fleet compositions for all 50 states and for multiple years over approximately the last decade. The datasets will include vehicle make, model and model-year, in addition to vehicle weights. The raw vehicle fleet data will be post-processed to establish probability distributions for vehicle fleet characteristics including make, model, model-year and vehicle weight. Such analysis will be performed for each database corresponding to particular states and years in order to permit evaluation of temporal and geographic variation of fleet characteristics.

Principal Investigator is Dr. Ross B. Corotis, P.E. (University of Colorado Boulder).

Industry Champions include Dr Sanjay Anwar (University of Massachusetts), Emily Guglielmo (Martin / Martin), Cole Graveen (Raths, Raths & Johnson), and Erik Madsen (DCI + Madsen). Industry Partners are:

  • Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH)
  • ASCE 7-28 Dead & Live Load Subcommittee of ASCE/SEI
  • Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY)
  • New York City Department of Buildings
  • HGA Architects
  • Desimone Engineering
  • National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA)
  • Rimkus
  • Walter P Moore
  • Martin / Martin
  • DCI Engineering
  • Parking Consultants Council (PCC)
  • Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)

This work will be performed under Research Grant Agreement #5-24.

Next RESEARCH GRANT AWARD #04-24: Owner Readiness Assessment for Design-Build Projects