Innovative Tool for Owners: Owner Typology Assessment and Project Delivery Method Considerations
Innovative Tool for Owners: Owner Typology Assessment and Project Delivery Method Considerations
The research sought to determine key owner decision-making characteristics that impact project delivery method outcomes. Based on our understanding of the impact, we developed a tool that owners and project teams could use to understand how an owner's decision-making profile impacts outcomes for different project delivery methods. To determine key decision-making characteristics, we conducted an extensive review of business, management, and organizational literature on decision-making, which covered decision-making speed, organizational change, and innovation. Out of this review, we identified fourteen important decision-making characteristics, eventually narrowing our selection down to seven that are most relevant to building owner decisions around capital projects. These seven became our Decisionmaking Profile Characteristics (DMPC). We then conducted an extensive review of literature related to project delivery methods (PDM) and PDM selection in architecture/engineering/construction (AEC). Out of this review, we identified nine factors affecting the success of a project. These became the Project Delivery Method Criteria (PDMC). Next, we needed to assess how the DMPC impacted each PDMC. We conducted an industry survey of owners that asked participants about the decision-making characteristics that impacted project delivery selection. We also asked participants to reflect on a specific project they had worked on to reflect on the relationships between their DMPCs and the project outcomes. The survey resulted in 278 cases with 109 cases extracted for further analysis-consisting of 68 cases with 100% complete responses, 32 cases with 90% complete responses, and 9 cases with 80% complete responses. With these 109 cases we conducted data analysis including, but not limited to, data wrangling, data cleaning, data pre-processing, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, respondents and projects demographics analysis, Pearson correlation, and linear regression.
Grant Details
ProjectInnovative Tool for Owners: Owner Typology Assessment and Project Delivery Method ConsiderationsGranteeUniversity of WashingtonCategoryProject DeliverySubcategoryGeneralGrant #02-22Award Amount$100,672Grant PeriodJanuary 2022-January 2023Grant StatusCompletePrincipal InvestigatorsRenée Cheng, FAIA; Carrie Sturts Dossick, Ph.D, P.E.; and Laura Osburn, Ph.D. Other team members included Lingzi Wu, Ph.D. Daniel Dimitrov, and Xianxiang Sean ZhaoIndustry ChampionsMarkku Allison, Greg Gidez, Louise Pannetor, and Laura StagnerCPF AlliesAmerican Institute of Architects and Integrated Project Delivery AllianceSupportersChandos Construction and P1 ConsultingResearch DeliverablesLiterature Review
Owners Survey
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